Jane and I in front of the buckwheat crepe mobile at the Kitsilano Farmer's Market. Farmer's market is totally awesome.

I find this picture hilarious. Ignore the bitemarks. Jane and I shared this crepe, which had goat's cheese, carmelized onions, black olives, and greens. I don't normally like black olives but eee! They were definately more than good here.
There were so many wonderful dogs at the farmers market!
I bought these shortbread cookies from a lady at the market, and OH MAN. Okay, so get this, it's a shortbread cookie...with swiss chocolate...and then INSIDE the swiss chocolate are honey nougat pieces! Ah! And cookies with icing sugar on top tend to be really appealing and pretty.
Movies I saw this week at the VIFF:

This was a french movie about a dysfunctional family who have Christmas together for this first time in ages because the daughter/sister was a total bitch and banished her brother from her life, and of course that affected the relationships between everyone in the family. The movie had nice moments, but I think for most of it I was trying to place where I've seen the actors before. And when I did place it, it was the most satisfying feeling ever. The theater was also insanely hot and I wish I had not worn socks.

I really enjoyed this film. The music was absolutely awful for it, like clip art music, or really bad pied piper music. And the titling for it was really bad as well...brush stroke! Anyways. But it was about this german chef from Ontario who goes with his wife, son, and 4 apprentices in this bus to the Vancouver Islands and he cooks meals in each island using only the produce available. What I really enjoyed about him, was it was obvious that he wants people to respect the earth, food, and to eat well and to not harm the earth in the process, but he didn't do it in a sort of lecturing or obvious way. He gave people an experience, a dinner that highlighted what the people had and to show them the possibilities of what their produce can turn into. The food looked amazing, AND VIKRAM VIJ WAS WATCHING THE MOVIE TOO!

This movie was hilarious. It's one of my most favorite of the film festival so far this year. It's a documentary that follows three guys who recently graduated from stuntman school. They are so surprisingly funny, charming, and endearing. The guy in the above picture used to be a hairdresser before he went to stuntman school, and the reason he said he wanted to be a hairdresser was because of Winona Ryder. But it was the way he told the story that was so funny, that really, you have to have to have to see it.
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